ACCESS celebrates its 10th anniversary

ACCESS opened its doors 10 years ago today, on August 4, 2008. At the time, it was a small team and a very small office. Today we are more than 20 professionals in 6 countries. We thank our partners for their continuous support over the past decade. We could not have come this far without…

Cooperative Formation and Savings Mobilization in Myanmar

Member-based organizations like cooperatives are gradually growing in Myanmar. In 2017, two cooperatives in Kayin State were formed as a result of a project funded by the European Union (EU). This initiative was followed by a project funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in another township of Kayin State. The cooperative formation…

Boosting the Myanmar Microfinance Industry and Making It Safe for Borrowers

Despite the minimal profits, Myanmar’s microfinance industry continue to attract international and domestic investors. Currently dominated by international development agencies, private investors are gradually entering the market, buoyed by the success of microfinance institutions (MFI) in the neighboring countries of Bangladesh, Cambodia and the Philippines where commercialization of the industry increased the number of people…

Completing the Kayin Project

Monday will be the culmination of a development project in Kayin State, Myanmar. A conference will showcase the results of the three-year project – a registered cooperative with savings and lending service as well as an e-money service, and an enterprise and agri-business enhancement component for the borrowing members. In 2014, the project started six…